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Investing or Speculating?

Writer's picture: cheekaancheekaan

Updated: Mar 14, 2021

Recently, have you often heard people around you said: It’s easy to make money by investing in stocks. Just buy stocks that are on uptrend, and you can easily make money by buying and selling them! These remarks make investing in stocks sound like a way to make quick money. Furthermore, since the implementation of the Movement Control Order (MCO) in Malaysia in March 2020, the local stock market has suddenly seen an influx of new investors, suddenly the local stock market became a hot topic among the people.

Why these new investors enter the stock market during this pandemic period? I think it is due to the following reasons:

  1. Work from Home: Many are required to work from home under the MCO, which means they got more spare time to look at the stock market.

  2. Decline in FD’s rate: This has caused many who originally put their money in FD to start seeking higher-returning stocks as investment.

  3. Extra income: Due to the pandemic, many people realized that their jobs are not as secured as they had imagined, so they began to look for extra income through stock market investment.

  4. Everyone Buys Shares: When people around you all started to discuss about stocks, you will be influenced by them and start to learn to invest in stocks, maybe plus a little bit of FOMO (fear of missing out).

  5. The extraordinary performance of glove stocks: This makes many investors and stock rookies feel that making money in the stock market is very easy, so they invest their money in the stock market

These new investors not only contributed to the record-breaking trading volume at Bursa Malaysia last year, but also pushed up the price of the pandemic beneficial glove stocks to an unbelievably high price. Many investors earn multiple fold last year because of glove stocks. For example, the world largest glove manufacturer 7113 TOPGLOV soared from around RM 5.80 in March 2020 to the highest peak of RM 29.30 in early August, gaining as much as 405% within 5 months! 7106 SUPERMX surged from around RM 1.50 to the peak of RM 24.40 within the same period, gained 1525%. A 2020 phenomenal in Bursa Malaysia.

I’ve seen an increasing number of comments from stock novices on stock investment websites and apps, which lived up the normally quiet comments section. There are all kinds of information and personal opinions or questions in the comment section, but what really caught my attention is that most people mainly focus on the following two questions

  1. Can buy this stock? What’s the target price?

  2. Can this stock go up to RM X.XX? Can I add more now?

In fact, I have always known that there are more speculators than investors in the stock market. It’s just that in the era of ‘everyone buys shares’ we’ve seen last year; it is really hard for me not to worry about these new investors. How many of these share market rookies are speculators who want to make quick bucks in the stock market?

By definition:

InvestingTo acquire a security or an asset with an intention of holding it for a long-term period with a view that it will gradually increase in value over that period, after studying all the information available for that security or asset.

SpeculatingTo acquire a security or an asset without any knowledge of the said security or asset, and hoping to sell it at a higher price, generally in a short period of time. In short, it’s as good as gambling.

I’ve made a simple comparison below:

First and foremost, investment is not something that will earn you profit within a short period of time, because investment usually takes some time to actually create wealth. For example, when investing in real estate or a business, it takes several years to breakeven before it starts generating profit. Even if it really breakeven or make profit within a short time, those are normally pure lucky. It’s the same for stocks. If you want to make long-term profits, you must look at stock investment like real estate or a business investment. However, due to high fluctuation of stocks price, many think they can time these fluctuations to buy-sell and make money within a short period of time. This is not investing, but speculating.

Almost 100% of those who ask the 2 questions above online are speculators because they have no idea what they are buying. They only know that they have to sell their stocks at a higher price, and they don't bother about the value of their stocks or the business behind them, so they need to ask for others opinions. If you want to invest in a certain stock, you will definitely analyze and study the company behind the stock in detail, its business and financial state, and estimate your return on investment based on its past earnings and the current share price, and then come to the final conclusion: buy, not to buy or sell.

The main characteristic of speculators is that they want to buy stocks that are on an uptrend, and hope to sell them at a higher price in a short period of time to make a profit. They generally think that good stocks are those that will rise in price, and do not spend time on stocks that do not fluctuate much in price. They usually monitor the market closely, and their state of mind is tie to the ups and downs of the market.

Speculators do not understand the stocks they bought, so when the good news causes the stock price to rise, they simply don’t know how to digest the good news and re-evaluate the value and price of the stock. Instead, they sell them when the price went up marginally. Therefore, you often hear them complaining: Why did the stock price rise as soon as I sold it? Conversely, when unfavorable news causes the stock price to fall, speculators do not sell immediately because they don’t know the impact of the news on their stocks. Instead, they hold on to it and expecting the stock price to rebound, eventually get stuck at high price.

Based on my observation, speculation in the local market is indeed worrying, especially in this era of ‘everyone buys shares’. Many youngsters and even students have early exposure to stocks, but they have wrong perception about stock investment. Most of these stock market newbies only care about whether can they make money in the market, not to learn how to make money in the stock market. I often see people asking for information that is easily available on the same website or app; some even ask basic questions that they should have understood before putting their hard-earned money into the market. Sometimes I really can’t brain how can you put your money in without even having a basic understanding of stocks? Most of them have the same problem: they buy far too sloppily, and cry too loud when losing money. Investing your capital into the stock market in without basic understanding to the market and hoping to make money from it is a classic example of speculating.

I’ve have not seen a retail investor achieve financial freedom or became wealthy through consistent speculating in stock market. Professional traders are different, because they spent so much time studying all sorts of charts and data, which most of the us don’t. While earning a few quick bucks sure sounded great, but one must also realize that why that particular transaction made money. Is it really your skill? Or just pure luck? The problem is many speculators blame the luck when they are losing, amazed by their ‘skills’ when they are winning, and they plunge themselves into a vicious circle, and continue to lose money in the stock market.

Disclaimer: This is a personal opinion recorded for my personal record. Nothing on this Blog constitutes investment advice, performance data or any recommendation that any security, portfolio of securities, investment product, transaction or investment strategy is suitable for any specific person. The author shall not be held accountable for any investment decision made by the reader. Invest at your own risk.




  1. 居家工作:许多人在行动管制令下都必须在家里工作,所以多了许多时间进行股票投资。

  2. 定期存款利率的下降:这导致很多原本把钱都放在定期存款的人开始想要投资在回酬更高的股票。

  3. 想要赚取额外的收入:因为疫情的影响,很多人意识到原来自己本身的工作没有想象中的稳定,于是就开始想投资股票以赚取额外的收入。

  4. 全民皆股:当您身边的人都开始讨论着股票,您也会影响而开始学习投资股票,可能还有一点点的FOMO(害怕错过)。

  5. 手套股劲爆的表现:这让很多投资者和股票新手觉得在股市赚钱是件非常容易的事,于是就把钱投入股市。

这些新力军不仅仅在去年让大马交易所屡次创下历史新高的交易量,更是把在疫情当下受惠的手套股的价格推高到一个令人难以置信的高价。许多投资者都因为手套股而在去年赚了好几倍。例如全世界最大的手套制造商7113顶级手套TOPGLOV就从2020年3月的RM 5.80左右一路飙升至8月初的最高峰RM 29.30,五个月的涨幅高达405%!7106速柏玛SUPERMX更是在同时期从RM 1.50左右狂飙至RM 24.40的顶峰,上升了1525%,堪称2020年马股的神话。


  1. 这只股可以买入吗?目标价是多少?

  2. 这只股可以去到RM X.XX吗?现在还可以加码吗?



投资 - 在研究该证券或资产的所有相关资料后,购入该证券或资产以期长期持有,以便该证券或资产在该期间内增值。

投机 - 在不了解证券或资产的情况下购入该证券或资产,并希望在短时间(通常)内以更高的价格出售。









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